Recommended Readings
This list of readings goes beyond just Expanding Earth sites. Why? If you delve into Expanding Earth (EE) Theory with an open mind you can’t help but conclude there is a good alternative to Plate Tectonics (PT) that is not being taught. You may disagree, but the research is compelling. Then you notice that there are alternatives to other important theories that aren’t being recognized. So why is this theory not getting more attention?
There are three primary reasons. The first reason is that many geologists, professors and students have never heard of the theory, never studied it, or never used true scientific rigor in understanding it. They accepted what they were told.
The second is that the organizations that have supported a dominant theory like Plate Tectonics have too much at stake to lose in prestige, influence, money and jobs to admit such a grievous error. Yes, they are human and protect themselves first. They no longer think they are possibly in error. All of their peers they communicate with agree with them. They have accepted fully, close mindedly, their new faith.
The third reason is that the implications are too big. If earth expansion is true then likely mass has been increasing. Gravity has been increasing. New minerals may be being produced. Maybe even non-fossil fuels. So, no studies about gravity increases reach the main stream. Few standard science publications on major problems in Physics are printed. No minority reports even. Nothing that would truly upset an apple cart.
Overview of Expanding Earth Theory
Earth, Universe, Cosmos
S. Warren Carey. Excellent, extensive and near complete overview of Carey’s decades long work. A 1996 pre-print edition to the book. By David Ford, in Australia.
Global Expansion Tectonics
By James Maxlow, PhD. Known for his most accurate reconstructions of a smaller earth using ocean crust age data.
The Earth is Growing and Expanding Rapidly
By Lawrence Myers. Extensive development of the EE theory. Believes in the “accretion” theory. Best reference information on solar system objects’ size and shape.
Growing Earth Consortium
By Michael Netzer. A variety of opinions and articles on EE/GE by individuals struggling for alternative answers, spoken in their own voice.
Graphic Representation of Earth, Moon, Europa expansion and more
by Neal Adams. Excellent expansion video graphics*.
*Requires “Quicktime” viewer software which can be downloaded for free from Apple at
Plate Tectonics, Ore Deposits, and the Expanding Earth
By Don Findlay. Good insights on mountain range formations. Need to read through the obvious “angst” of frustration.
Plate Tectonics a Paradigm under Threat
By David Pratt. Good recap of subduction issues, which is the dominant problem with Plate Tectonics theory.
Geologic Revolt
By Dan Bridges. My friend Dan Bridges wrote a book about Earth Expansion and why the Chicxulub crater that supposedly (but didn’t) kill off the dinosaurs was likely not an impact crater but a super volcanic, force from below. Available here:
In 2009, he has added another web-site. Of note is Dan’s belief that prior to 500 MA there was earth expansion due to decreasing density. From 500 – 180 MA there was a waning density expansion overlap along with an early mass increase growth. From 180 MA on there was exponential growth from the electromagnetic formation of new mass and elements within the earth. Fits well with Flora and Fauna evidence.
Nuteeriat: Nut Trees, the Expanding Earth, Rottnest Island, and all that …
David Noel 1989 Cornucopia Press Excellent charts on nut tree family distribution on different continents that aids in smaller earth reconstructions. Additional EE evidence, also.
James Maxlow’s PhD Thesis
Excellent and far reaching, for the more technically minded.
NCGT – New Concepts in Global Tectonics
A quarterly Earth science newsletter with widely divergent views, but united against the Plate Tectonic theory and for the presentation of new ideas. The “Indices” button (which I helped organize) leads to past issues and many Plate Tectonic Theory failures.
Overview of Increasing Gravity Throughout Time
Gravity has likely increased as the Earth Expanded, yet there is little recognition of even this possibility within the paleo research and teaching community. It is as if it were never even thought about. These websites give excellent information for the different viewpoints and obvious evidence for significant gravity increase over time.
Dinosaurs and the Expanding Earth – Stephen Hurrell
Web site and book do especially good work on the mechanical and physical size constraints that gravity would restrict on dinosaur size.
On the Origin of Dinosaur’s and Mammals – Bill Erickson
Website, technical papers and links to other EE sites. Especially good at charts comparing dinosaur sizes with today’s’ mammals. Most dinosaurs were bi-pedal and would have a different running and walking gait.
Relationship Between Gravity & Evolution (The Theory of the Increasing Gravity) – Ramin Amir Mardfar
A little known scientist from Iran, with excellent thoughts on lower gravity evidence from blood and fluid circulation systems in insects, animals, and plants. Some non-perfect English, but well worth the effort.
Introduction to Theory of Aether
& Scientific Thought Discrimination
There is another group of scientists working on alternative theories to gravity, the Big Bang, electro-magnetics and other standard Physics beliefs. This work may well link to the Expanding Earth theories to develop a better scientific approach.
Aether Theory Knights
Just the opening pictures showing great men believing in Aether should be enough to indicate there are alternatives to standard Physics. From a Russian research site. Links to articles.
Aethro-Kinematics – Steven Rado
A relatively simple explanation of Aether, Electro-magnetics, and the errors and illogic in the exclusive pathway that modern Physics has taken.
Natural Philosophy Alliance (NPA)
An association of Physicists and Astronomers with views divergent from Big Science Dogma. No total consensus here, but an emphasis on Aether.
Notice how they highlight censorship and discrimination to alternate view. This second listed site is from the NPA specifically on the subject of censorship.
New Ideas in Science – Dr. Thomas Gold
Excellent article on how science should react to new ideas — and how it does not.
American Geophysical Union (AGU)
Position paper on Science. The AGU is THE global Earth Science organization in the US. It’s opening tagline on its home website states … that advances,through unselfish co-operation … This position paper nicely links …Evolution, Relativity, and Plate Tectonics … as proven. Believe in one and you must believe in all and you can’t have alternate position to any. Do you sense “open minded, unselfish cooperation” in research? The new Bishops have spoken and they do not see any hypocrisy.
Alternative Science – Richard Milton
A history of dozens of interesting divergent theories, discoveries, inventions and alternative viewpoints in science. Enjoyable browsing.
The Bodgy Consensus on Plates Tectonics – Don Findlay
An Australian with an edge. This is presented here as a good recap on the close-minded consensus in science.
Overview of Expanding Earth Theory
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S. Warren Carey, Theories of the Earth and Universe: A History of Dogma in the Earth Sciences The best overall book to understand the EE theory and history. Excellent also on how Big Science stifles new thought. 1988 Stanford University Press |
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S. Warren Carey, The Expanding Earth: A Symposium Available through the University of Tasmania. |
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James Maxlow, Terra Non Firma Earth A book and an e-book. This new book excels in displaying the reconstructed earth throughout time and from all rotation angles. The best reconstruction so far. Read Press Release Order E-book from One Off Publishing |
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Giancarlo Scalera and Karl-Heinz Jacob (edited by), Why the Expanding Earth? A book in honor of Ott Christoph Hilgenberg. Most recent Expanding Earth Symposia from 2003. Numerous papers. Total EE papers Bibliography. Invaluable if you can find a copy. |
May be available from Dr. Scalera at INGV – Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (Roma); Book is in English.
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Stephen Hurrell, Dinosaur and the Expanding Earth E-book and printed book. The book has much more information and charts beyond the web-site. The hardcover book is expensive and often out of stock. The e-book is priced right and recommended. |
Available from:
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Lance Endersbee, A Voyage of Discovery A very readable expanding earth overview from a professor of water hydrology. Indicates that water and petroleum may be created within the earth. Some of the very best graphics of ice core data for “climate change” alternatives |
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Cliff Ollier & Colin Pain, The Origin of Mountains Rejects the well-known hypothesis that plate tectonics and folding creates mountains and present a new theory for their formation. The authors argues that mountains arose by vertical uplift of a former plain likely caused by Earth Expansion. Expensive, but available through many University Science Libraries. |
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Charles Officer and Jake Page, The Great Dinosaur Extinction Controversy This book should be read with L.W. Dan Bridges, Our Expanding Earth: The Ultimate Cause. Read Review. All of the authors show that geologists do not universally believe in the “Asteroid Extinction Event” of the Alvarez’s. And that the Chicxulub crater on the Yucatan was likely volcanic. That both shocked quartz and iridium are also found from volcanoes. O & P views are of a constant size earth, while Bridges sees expansion. Refer to the Hunt theories below. |
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C. Warren Hunt, Environment of Violence, Readings Cast in Stone. A book about hyper energy and the violent forces from below in the earth which periodically dramatically effect the surface. Many craters are likely the remains of violent Hydridic emissions. |
Available from Polar Publishing:
You may also read Hunt’s article Dual Geospheres of the Expanding Hydridic Earth
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Vladimir N. Larin, Hydridic Earth, The New Geology of our Primordially Hydrogen-Rich Planet. Edited and Translated by C. Warren Hunt. A breakthrough finding that under immense pressures hydrogen sheds its electron and merges into the atomic structure of other metals. Presumably, what is happening within the earth and not being recognized? |
Available from Polar Publishing:
Read an article about Hydrides
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Thomas Gold, The Deep Hot Biosphere A more well known classic on an alternative source for “fossil” fuels, but this 1999 book expanding on the theory first proposed by C. Warren Hunt in Dec. 1997 at a conference at Kazan, Tatarstan, and attended by Gold. In Hunt’s paper Methane rises and is acted upon by biologic agents to form oil, gas, and coal. Gold writes an excellent book that utilized this theory and brings it to the public along with his other findings. Thus fossil fuels (Oil, Gas, and Coal) may not come from “fossils” but arise from massive hydrogen and methane quantities deep within the earth. |
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Neil B. Christianson, Two Hundred Years Astray The book takes issue with the unproven yet widely believed “Hot Core” theory. Christianson points out that at the time of Descartes a “Cold Core” for the earth was the belief. Also, that seismic evidence for each would be the same. More importantly the author speculates that the core is metallic or solid hydrogen which under great pressures has significantly different phases. It thus would both give off and absorb heat and also change shape which will have effects felt on the surface. While not an Earth Expansion believer, the proposed theory fits with both expansion and Hunt’s and Larin’s rising Hydrides. |
The two books give an honest history of how plate tectonics developed, particularly in the decade of the 1960’s.
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H.W. Menard, The Ocean of Truth, A Personal History of Global Tectonics While clearly against Earth Expansion, Menard gives a fair objective overview of the “controversial history of global tectonics”. 1986, Princeton University Press |
William Glen, The Road to Jaramillo
It was the magnetic strip sequence and reversals that was the most important evidence convincing geologists of sea-floor spreading. Another fair history dealing with the contributions of Carey and Heezen.
1982, Stanford University Press
Historical Earth Reconstructions
The first book is virtually THE PRIMARY SOURCE for all standard PT map reconstructions you will see in today’s world atlases.
The second book is from the head of cartography for the British Museum of Natural History, where he believes the Earth Expanded from 80% of today’s size (with some subduction.)
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Smith, A.G., Hurley, A.M., and Briden, J.C., Phanerozoic Paleocontinental World Maps Mostly Graphics and Maps going back smoothly to 220 MYA. Then notice how the data could not be made consistent looking back beyond 240 mya. Modern Atlases are based on this data. They use different years back, and alter the graphics slightly, but this is the source. 1981, Cambridge University Press, Earth Science Series |
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Owen, H.G., Atlas of Continental Displacement, 200 Million Years to the Present Dr. Owen shows how the Earth has expanded, using all of the ocean age information available up to 1983. This work includes more than a decade of additional data gained after “subduction” became the unquestioned consensus in 1967. It uses precise classical cartographic methods. |
As the head of the department of Paleontology for the British Museum, Dr. Owens shows how the earth expanded in radius from 80% of its present size, over the last 200 million years. There are numerous charts showing both full earth and also smaller region reconstructions, and the time of expansion within the oceans. A very important work.
1983, Cambridge University Press, Earth Science Series